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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Startup Toolbox – Essential Business Tools for Success

Silicon Valley is the capital of Startup Nation.  When most people think about startups, they picture mom and pop hanging a sign outside their new widget shop and working behind the register.  The Silicon Valley image of a startup can be very different.    That difference comes mostly from the financial foundation of the new business.  Is the business a true bootstrap operation or are they funded?  In a bootstrap startup, the key ingredients are will power, work ethic and a decent idea.   In a funded startup, the company must choose how to most effectively spend their funds to achieve success.  Given the present economic environment, funded companies should watch their pennies, but when they do spend their resources they need to hand pick the best options to achieve success.   For a funded startup, what are the essential tools to get started?  Here are some ideas to help get off the ground.

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